Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tata Photon Plus: A User Review

Spoiler: You Might Not Want to Buy One After Reading This.
Short Two World Summary: It's Shit.
I type an address, I hit enter. I wait for 5 minutes. I take out my mobile. I type the address, hit enter. In 5 seconds, the page opens. I see the computer screen. Still loading with a blank white page in front. That's power of Tata Photon. Get Speed within yourself to find options. Get Time for other things, it'll be forever loading. That's not the only problem with Tata Photon however.
Let's start with the start. I got Tata Photon installed. Till the time they came asking money and giving device, they were calling continuously. The person who came promised he'll deliver gift coupons that are supposed to be given with the device. Forward two weeks, a couple of complaints. A week later, I get to know that I wasn't supposed to get anything like that because I hadn't preserved the sms/hadn't been given anything in written. Please note therefore, if Tata Photon or any people related promise anything, ask them to write it down with date and time, there signature, name and check their id, note the details.

Fine, I move on. While the first 5GB are on, I'm supposed to get 3.1MBPS. The disclaimer says UPTO. Means I never really got even 2 MBPS. After the 5 GB, I am supposed to get 155 KBPS. I am frequently getting lesser speed, but it's manageable so I don't complain. A couple of months later, when it gets unbearably low, I file a complaint. I get no response. They say they will charge 150 Rupees for coming. To note here is that they charge around 900-950 Rupees a month. Now after charing 950, they're again on begging terms. Don't they deserve to shut down shop because they can't afford the engineers to solve customer's problems?

I manage somehow. Things get really out of hand when I am unable to do anything. I open I get a message 'for your speed, try modile speedtes'. Amazing. I try other speed test. I get 20KBPS. It puts me just above one Dial-up speed and below two Dial-up speeds. I complain. Again they say 150 Rupees. I say Disconnect. A couple of days later, I get a call that I'll get 15GB instead of 5GB of High Speed usage. I feel okay let's continue. A couple of days later, I again ask for disconnection. Let me point reasons.

When I asked from when will this 15 GB be applicable?
Ans: From your next billing cycle, that is 26th.
P.S. It again means they don't have any means to solve problems, just trying to offer a bigger plan.

When I asked is this unlimited plan adn again the speed will be ridiculously low after high speed usage...
Ans: They said it's limited to 15GB after which I'll be charged. I get told you anyway use only 7-8 GB maximum.
P.S. I was using this low because after 5 GB, the 155 KBPS they offered was ridiculously low that it was hard to use. If I used 8, it only means I have huge amount of patience. Also, I remember not using any heavy stuff, even youtube excessively because I was afraid that 5 GB may get over anytime.

When I asked: My Account is still not working after 5-6 months of Tata and innumerable complaints...
Ans: They first said you can't do anything and then said you need to send an e-mail.
P.S. In a limited account, you need to be able to check My Account to know usage. And I have already sent dozens of e-mails.

Attaching some interesting speed test screenshots that any modern day service provider will feel ashamed of. Please Note beforehand, they are separately carried, done with only a single internet/download process active at a time.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

TechCular: A Promising Technology Blog for an Advancing Country

Today is the day when we've got a 1200 Rs tablet PC available offering Android and Touch Screen, sponsored by Govt. Another side, we've people who love to buy high-end gadgets. Almost everyone has a Desktop or a Laptop, or have to use one in their office. The time is technologically ripe. With so many options, we do have so many decisions to make and also so many problems coming daily. A machine will always give a problem, and whether it is Android or Mac or Windows, or even an Office Suit, we're bound to get some. And there's a never-ending feeling if we're making full use of our multi-purpose device and not making it work the way our brain does, only 5 percent or so?
Thankfully, there are some places where we can find solutions to problems, and tips to do more with our devices. When you open, you see a simple interface, with the first post generally being a sticky one, with the giveaway of the month. We'll talk about that later. The next ten posts are the latest offering from Techcular, blog entries about the latest the technology has to offer you. Then you get the option to browse through next few pages, reading the posts in chronological order. It's the trend of the day, latest is always the first. No complaints there, in fact it's the simplicity of use that I was amazed with.
There is a button with endless possibilities on the top right corner, opposite to the Techcular logo and name on the top-left corner. It is called Google Custom Search. I love it the most because I can't be sure whether what I'm searching is on the first page of even first 5 pages or so. I type what I'm looking for, and within milliseconds, Mr. Google gives me what I want, like magic. Obviously, it has been posted there before, that's why it appears. Also, a blog like Techcular has innumerable posts and hence to find the one you're looking for is not as simple as ABC. With Google Custom Search, thankfully, it is as easy.
Above the name and the logo are four pagelinks visible in almost every website, and frankly, very important. The first one says 'About Us', You already know what it does. In addition to the background, it also helps you find Techcular and the chief editor, Soumya Pratihari, on various social platforms. Archives provides an easy bulletted interface to finding posts in a particular month or by a particular author. Privacy Policy is, frankly, what very few read, neither did I. Contact Us option gives an easy interface to send feedback, suggestion, or queries.
Below the line featuring logo and name, and the Google Custom Search, is the headings, the taglines used to separate the articles, or group them nicely. IPHONE, Mac, Android, Gadgets, Telecom, Internet, Technology, Computer, Softwares, Gaming, Giveaways. The last one is the best obviously, but with these easy options, you don't know need to worry about finding the right column, although I'd still prefer Mr. Google if my requirement isn't on first page.
Now a couple of mistakes/things not done perfectly. First of all, I am always amazed why people use the term Softwares. It's not a term. Software in itself is plural, as well as singular, depending on requirement. Softwares is not a dictionary term, only Software is. Second, while writing this review, I found the first two posts under Softwares catered to Mobile Phones, an LG on top followed by Samsung. In Gaming, at the time of writing, top post was Canon Camcorder. The other columns are fine.
Now the main point, the Giveaways. That's what gets us charged up. I missed winning a Samsung laptop, giving a go at this one. However, it's great to be able to win something by spending some time over the internet, probably the one which I waste in facebook. I won Aakash Tablet recently, in fact got to know just yesteray from another blog from the same man. And hopefully, I'll make a debut in Amazon buying soon. Though whether or not I win, I know where to go when my Aakash Tablet arrives and I wish to do more with it. This is the place.